I received this in an email:
I took the oath at MEPs and I was told by my recruiter that
nothing will happen if they find out that I lied. I don't know,
I am kinda scared, I asked a few other recruiters but they said
the same thing.
I lied about me being arrested, I said I wasn't arrested
before I have been, when I was like 15 but it never showed
up in my police report. If they ever find out what do you think
will happen??
please I need some help
Thanx, (Name Withheld)
I think that the question you should be asking yourself
is do you want to start off a career in the Marine Corps on
a lie? When our very existence is based on honor, courage, and
commitment, how can you expect to enter and then thrive in an
organization where integrity is your greatest treasure?
I cannot tell you what to do but if you want to be a Marine,
you had better start taking responsibility and owning up to
your past mistakes. If you come clean and they take you, then
you know that you stood up like a man and can then hold your
head high. If they reject you, then you know the same thing.
If you lie, then you will forever know that you faked your way
in and I guarantee you that it will lead to other lies and eventually
result in exposure. Then if you have made it to the fleet and
we discover your dishonesty, you can just stand by because the
scene will be less that pretty.
As an officer, if I discover any of my men as liars, I would
make life very hard for them because they are jeopardizing everyone
around them. Just some food for thought.
-- Lt Grose